Board Of Directors

Mr Choy Bing Choong


Mr Choy Bing Choong (“Mr Choy”) joined the Company as Chief Investment Officer in July 2014 and assumed the position of Group Chief Operating Officer in March 2020 while joining the Board at the same time (Date of last re-appointment as Director: 28 April 2022). He was redesignated as Executive Chairman on 11 August 2023. He is responsible for formulating the Group’s business strategies and plans, overseeing investor relations, regulatory and compliance functions and leading new business initiatives. 

Mr Choy has more than 30 years of work experience in a variety of roles in multiple industries and countries. Prior to joining our Company, he spent 8 years with the Corporate Finance Department at CIMB Bank Berhad, Singapore Branch, where he last held the position of Director, Corporate Finance. Before his stint at CIMB Bank Berhad, Singapore Branch, Mr Choy served 3 years in the Corporate and Capital Markets Group at Rajah & Tann. Apart from his home base in Singapore, he has also worked in China, the United Kingdom and Indonesia.

He is a Fellow Chartered Accountant of Singapore and holds a Bachelor’s of Accountancy Degree from the National University of Singapore. He is also a Senior Accredited Director accredited with the Singapore Institute of Directors. In addition, Mr Choy also holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Strategic Human Capital Management (Organisational Development and Psychology) from the SHRI Academy.

Mr Tsng Joo Peng

Mr Tsng Joo Peng (“Mr Tsng”) was appointed to our Board on 1 August 2005 (Date of last re-appointment as Director: 27 April 2023) and he was appointed as our Group Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) on 31 October 2013. As Group CEO, he is primarily responsible for leading the Group’s business and corporate services units and executing its strategies.

Mr Tsng has been a Director of Natural Cool Airconditioning & Engineering Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of the Company since 1993. Prior to joining our Group, Mr Tsng was a Director and Shareholder of Aircon Designs Pte. Ltd., Aircon Designs Services Pte. Ltd., QPA Pte. Ltd., Quality Perfect Assurance Pte. Ltd. and NC Airconditioning Pte. Ltd..

Mr Tran Phuoc (Lucas)

Mr Tran Phuoc (Lucas) (“Mr Tran”) was appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company on 11 November 2022 (Date of last re-appointment as Director: 27 April 2023) and he was redesignated as Lead Independent Non-Executive Director and the Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee and a member of the Nominating and Remuneration Committees on 11 August 2023.

Mr Tran is a qualified Chartered Accountant with over thirty-five years of public accounting experience. He was a partner with KPMG Singapore from 2000 to 2020.

He has extensive experience in public accounting which includes auditing, advising on financial reporting matters as well as regulatory compliance matters relating to the Companies Act and SGX-ST listing rules, initial public offerings, restructuring exercises, due diligence and merger and acquisitions.

Mr Tran is a Chartered Accountant of Singapore and holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of New South Wales, Australia. He is a member of the Singapore Institute of Directors.

Ms Lau Lee Hua

Ms Lau Lee Hua (“Ms Lau”) was appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company on 8 February 2017 (Date of last re-appointment as Director: 27 April 2023) and she was redesignated as the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Audit and Risk and Nominating Committees on 11 August 2023.

Ms Lau is the Managing Partner of Lau Lee Hua & Co., a public accounting firm she founded in 1995. She was a partner at Wong, Lee & Associates LLP, another public accounting firm from 2018 to 2021. She is a practising member of Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants having been admitted in 1995 and upgraded to a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants in 1997. She is a Public Accountant of Singapore registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority. She was appointed as Honorary Treasurer of the Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (“MINDS”), a voluntary welfare organisation, on 28 September 2013 and on 30 September 2017, she was appointed as Honorary Auditor. Ms Lau was awarded the “Long Service Award” by the People’s Association in 2001 and the “MINDS Meritorious Service Award” by Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore in 2009 and the “Dedicated Service Award” when she retired from MINDS board in 2019. In 2017, National Council of Social Services awarded Ms Lau with its 15 years “Long Service Award” for her invaluable service to MINDS.

Mr Tan Siew Bin Ronnie

Mr Tan Siew Bin Ronnie (“Mr Tan”) was appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company on 28 July 2021 (Date of last re-appointment as Director: 28 April 2022). He is the Chairman of our Nominating Committee and a member of the Company’s Audit and Risk and Remuneration Committees.

Mr Tan is one of the founding Directors of Central Chambers Law Corporation in Singapore with more than 30 years of post-qualification experience. He is a Notary Public, Commissioner for Oaths and heads of the Civil and Criminal practice. Mr Tan began his legal practice as a litigator and moved into areas of corporate and commercial advice. Mr Tan holds a Bachelor of Laws from University of London and admitted to the English and Singapore Bar in 1989 and 1991 respectively.

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