Corporate Social Responsibility

Ongoing Community Engagement

Our Commitment 

We are committed to creating positive social impacts through planning a variety of corporate social responsibility activities which address the needs of our local communities.

Our Approach

We work with various organisations to raise funds and help empower local communities.

Our Performance

During the Reporting Period, we engaged in the following initiatives to help the communities:


Let’s Take A Walk

As part of our community outreach programme, our employees par ticipated in Let ’s Take A Walk, a non-profit endurance walking event and fundraiser organised by Raleigh Singapore volunteers. The event aims to raise funds for Ray of Hope, a registered charity that provides community support and resources to families and individuals in Singapore that have fallen on hard times.

Exercise Books Donation to Sri Lankan Students

We contributed to the printing of exercise books for students in Sri Lanka who faced economic hardships. The exercise books we donated will not only serve as vital learning tools but also ensure that these students continue to receive quality education despite the challenging circumstances they are facing.

Provide charitable contributions to support worthy causes

During the Reporting Period, we donated over S$40,000 to various organisations for good causes and they include:

  • The UOB Global Heartbeat Run/Walk is a volunteering or fundraising event to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and families. Funds raised by the event are channelled through the Community Chest to support causes that advocate the inclusion of persons with disabilities, support for special needs and educational promotion;
  • The Helping Hand (“THH”) provides rehabilitation services to ex-offenders, which include family counselling, life-skills learning, and after-care services. With the programmes’ support, counsel, and work opportunities, THH helped ex-offenders transform their lives and reintegrate them into society as contributing members; and
  • National University Health Centre ensures timely access to medical treatment for patients in need of financial aid and alleviate their financial stress in coping with associated costs, providing them hope and allowing them to focus on their road to recovery and re-integration into the society.


Doing our part to give back to the community and environment…

Blood Donation Campaign 2018: Our employees donated blood to save lives who need them.

2018: Natural Cool, represented by Ms Lau Lee Hua, our Audit Committee Chairman, participated in a project in Nepal which planned and raised funds to reconstruct a 1,600 sqft medical centre to benefit 70,000 people in the mountain villages in Kichanas, after a devastating earthquake struck in 2015.

In 2018 we again participated in a project sponsored by UOB to spread Chinese New Year cheer to 130 beneficiaries from the Society for the Physically Disabled (“SPD”).


Hair For Hope: Children’s Cancer Foundation’s fundraising event in 2017.

In 2017, Our employees participated in United Overseas Bank (UOB) Heartbeat Corporate Social Responsibility Programme to give a fresh coat of paint and new furniture to the homes of 16 families under the care of Fei Yue Community Services in Bukit Batok.

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